We are hosting a sharing group Thursday March 13th with guest speaker - Greg Scott Smith.
Greg has had a range of synchronous and mystical experiences throughout his life. He shares his birthday with his grandmother and her grandfather. He has had vivid dreams since early childhood which recently have included more messages. In his pre-teens he perceived orbs in the sky and in his late teens he had an out of body experience. At 17 he heard the voice of what he now knows was a helping spirit talk to him, and at age 19 he had his first mystical experience. This planted a seed of interest in reincarnation, later that led to an interest in near death experiences. He studied the work of Dr. Steven Greer and CE-5 meditation protocols. He began researching, studying, and practicing shamanic techniques. Greg is always interested in knowledge about life, death, and the great mysteries in-between and beyond.
Greg, married and a father of two, just graduated from Binghamton University with a Master of Social Work degree. He has completed the Healer Training series of workshops offered by the Foundation of Shamani Studies.
The 2nd half of our meeting will be devoted to a sharing session. We believe that many of us have experiences that are spiritually transformative, events that affect us in a very real and spiritual ways. We’ve all had such experiences, big ones like an NDE or an encounter experience, or even an after death communication, or small ones like lucid or prophetic dreams, a past life regression, or a hunch that comes true. They can serve as catalysts for spiritual transformation and awakening. They often bring change to our perspective of ourselves, our connection to each other, and to the Universe. This will be an opportunity to share, discuss or just listen in a caring supportive community of like minded people.
$10 donation to help cover expenses
Meeting starts at 6:30pm (doors open at 6pm)
North Syracuse Community Center
700 South Bay Rd
North Syracuse, NY 13212
Brought to you by - Upstate NY IANDS ( International Association of Near Death Studies)
The UPSTATE NY IANDS mission is to respond to needs for information and support concerning near-death and similar experiences. We are a Local Discussion/Interest not-for-profit group that is open to the public.
Please check out our FB page: https://www.facebook.com/UpstateNYIANDS Our meetings includes both experiencers and non-experiencers, and are open to everyone. In these meetings we may invite Authors and speakers, or show movies, so we may bring in interesting and fascinating accounts of near-death experiences and other spiritually transformative experiences into our area. These meetings are for a broad range of people and appeal to anyone who is comfortable in a “learning” atmosphere. We have an email list for our e-newsletter. If you are not on the list, please sign up on this page. Many of our participants have a sensitivity to strong fragrances, so please avoid wearing any strong smelling fragrances, oils, or other, when attending our meetings. Thank you. |
What are STEs?
Spiritually Transformative Experiences or STEs, are events that affect us in a very real and spiritual ways. We’ve all had such experiences, big ones like an NDE or an encounter experience, or even an after death communication, or small ones like lucid or prophetic dreams, a past life regression, or a hunch that comes true. There are many types of such experiences which serve are catalysts for spiritual transformation and awakening. They often bring change our perspective of ourselves, our connection to each other, and to the Universe.
Such experiences can happen at any time, to anyone, under any circumstances. Some of these experiences are big and obvious, like a thunderstorm or even tornado. Others are small and subtle, more like a soft summer rain. What is important about them is that we listen to them, because it is often through these kinds of experiences we awaken to who we truly are, we remember our divinity. They touch us in personal and significant ways that cannot be easily measured or dismissed, because they catalyze the realization of our higher human potential.
While some of these STEs are easy or amazing, sometimes they are harsh and painful. It is easier to integrate these experiences through sharing them, telling our stories and understanding the patterns of such experiences, in order to better understand why they happened to us in the first place.
The UPSTATE NY IANDS mission is to respond to needs for information and support concerning near-death and similar experiences.